About BulkDelivery PRO
The BDP Story

The idea for BulkDelivery PRO™ (BDP) dates back to early 2018 when landscaper Doug approached web developer Ross with a problem he was facing. Each year, many of Doug's existing landscape customers would request delivery of smaller loads of materials to freshen up their yards or gardens. He saw an opportunity to leverage his existing landscape trucks/trailers to complete these deliveries, but only if customers could easily order, schedule, and pay without his direct involvement. With an already busy schedule, he didn't have the time or energy to manage the calls, invoicing, and scheduling challenges that these requests required.
Ross, an active DIYer, was familiar with this challenge from the customer side. It was difficult to find anyone reliable who would help bring bulk materials to his own home improvement projects. It was a pain to calculate what the actual material + delivery cost would be. Additionally, there was no way to provide accurate delivery instructions and payment without waiting around for the driver to arrive. Wearing his software developer hat, Ross was intrigued by the idea of modernizing this service and set out to build a basic web-based solution for their local market.
A collective effort from Doug & Ross brought "Little Dumps" to life, proving out the concept later that summer. As Little Dumps grew over the next few years, the pair realized that a dedicated software product was necessary to expand (& franchise) the brand they'd created. It would also be needed to open up opportunities for others who might be interested in the solution, but already have a business brand.
What you are looking at here with BulkDelivery PRO™ is a handcrafted software product built by a team of experts in the software development and landscape/bulk material delivery industries. Our tools are used, tested, and refined daily by ourselves and our partners. It is ready and waiting to help people like yourself take their delivery businesses to the next level.